It’s time to take control of your health

Who is responsible for your health?

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of confusing and conflicting advice. By following a simple 5 pillar model of health we guide you through your own journey to optimal wellbeing, with regular checkups to ensure everything is on track

It’s time to know exactly how healthy you are. Measuring Cardiac Vagal Tone provides insights into how well your vagus nerve is functioning, the fitness of your heart and your capacity to deal with life’s stressors.


Your heart knows best

For every heart beat, ProCVT captures and records the exact amount of vagal tone on a simple linear scale which is standardised across everyone. This unique measure allows you to see exactly how much vagal break is being applied to your heart on a beat by beat basis, identifying patterns of stress, strain and recovery.

“As an Olympic athlete I am always looking how I can improve my training and recovery, to lead to a better performance. CVT feedback has been a great additional monitoring tool, providing a clear and objective measure. I use it day to day, as well as observing the effects of my training programme over longer periods.”

Vicky Thornley: 2016 Rio Olympic Silver medallist

Coaching Services



  • £500 per person

  • 30 min initial consultation with coach

  • 72 hour ECG monitoring

  • Full data analysis Interactive, detailed and personalised report

  • 45 min ‘Report of Findings’ coaching session

Fixed-Term Coaching Package

  • 3 month minimum £1000 per month

  • Only available following initial assessment

  • Personalised Health Performance Plan: with pre-agreed, clear and realistic targets

  • Access to online resources 45 min weekly coaching call

  • 4 x full CVT re-assessments (every 3 weeks) tracking progress and re-evaluating effectiveness of the plan allowing for updates and realignment of targets

Long-Term Coaching Package

  • £POA based on individual requirements

  • Full CVT reassessment every 3 weeks

  • Long term focused Personalised Resilience Development Programme

  • Bespoke Interventions focused towards your specific challenges

  • Access to online resources

  • Can include continuous sleep monitoring and resilience performance tracking

  • Agreed coaching/mentoring contact schedule to suit your needs


A limited number of clients will be coached directly by our Director of Human Performance, Ian Wynne

Ian is a successful Olympic athlete with over 20 years of experience exploring and developing human potential. He has spent 9 years in elite coaching with world-class athletes, is an Independent Performance Consultant, and has extensive knowledge and practical experience of applying CVT within the field of human performance and research.

Ian has applied this knowledge of CVT across a diverse range of organisations such as the Wates Group, Lego, AA Drivetech, Goldsmiths University and with individuals seeking to perform at their peak abilities including Olympic athletes and company CEO’s, directors and project managers.